We Offer Commercial & Residential Water Filters and Complete Systems
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The Top 25 Reasons To Choose Kinetico Advanced Water Systems
- Have you seen our Google reviews?
- Kinetico's twin-tank, non-electric systems were invented in Newbury, OH in 1970.
- Kinetico has been made in the USA since the start.
- Kinetico is represented worldwide by authorized dealers.
- Advanced Water Systems is the second largest Kinetico dealer in the world, with over 10 locations.
- Advanced Water Systems was started in 1987 in Morehead City, NC.
- Advanced Water Systems is family owned and locally operated.
- Real Warranties honored by real people.
- Dedicated to customer and equipment service.
- All in-house employees (no subcontractors).
- More contaminants tested onsite with highest level of accuracy.
- Limited Lifetime warranties on select equipment.
- Safest systems for septic.
- Highest quality testing equipment.
- Twin tank technology assures 24/7/365 clean water.
- Non-electric technology eliminates power and controller failures.
- Kinetico is the only system that uses clean water to clean itself.
- High - efficiency units unbeaten for over 50 years.
- Licensed and insured.
- VA Contractors, VA Master Plumber & Henrico Business License
- Specialists in "difficult water".
- Live people answer the phone answer the phone 24/7/365.
- No High - Pressure sales pitch.
- The difference between a dealer and a franchise is that the dealer can sell whatever the best option is, not what the special of the week is.
- EPA Lead Safe Certified and NC Dept of Health and HumanServices Lead Safe Certified
Water Treatment Products in Virginia
Advanced Water Systems Group is known for its dedication to solving water problems and satisfying its customers. That's one of the reasons why we offer Kinetico products. They're different from their rivals with brilliantly simple solutions tailored to your needs. With a comprehensive line of water treatment products and trained water professionals dedicated to helping you determine what solution is best for your family, we are confident you'll enjoy the experience.
We service the greater Richmond area, down to the North Carolina border and including Williamsburg.
We're looking forward to having you join our growing family of happy customers.
Why Staying Hydrated is So Important...
Drinking water can help you maintain a clear mind and get more done in the day. Since your brain is made up of almost 75% water, dehydration affects your mental alertness which means that if it becomes severe, then dehydration may affect other parts of your body as well such as causing headaches or fatigue due to insufficient amounts of fluid volume within one's system.
The human body is made up of over 60% water, which means that you are drinking it or losing portions every day. Your Total Body Water Percentage (TBW%) is how much water is in your body as a percentage. You're continuously losing water throughout the day by the various activities you partake in and therefore you constantly need water to rehydrate and replenish the lost water. Water is the most important factor in body functioning. The human body constantly sheds water throughout everyday activities like breathing and urinating, which can be impacted by climate factors such as temperature or altitude level; illness-related matters like dehydration caused by diabetes mellitus Type I (when there isn't enough insulin) — this will cause you to lose more fluid through your urine than usual because less plasma “fuel” stays inside cells To make up for these things). Also medications may impact how much we sweat at any given time - an example of this includes steroids used before surgery/after infection periods where they increase perspiration rate. Various activity rates contribute as well. Those that are highly active lose a higher percentage of water through sweat glands than others and therefore, usually, need to increase water consumption than someone who is less active. Skeletal muscle contains more water so many times athletes have a higher percentage of water which allows them to perform at a higher level and sustain for a longer duration. Hydration, and maintaining a high TBW% is important for the health and wellness of your body. A lack of water can lead to many different conditions, including tiredness or fatigue. It can cause muscle fatigue, dry skin, and dizziness among other symptoms. So say safe and drink up!
Drink 8 glasses of water daily. It may seem like a lot but it really isn't. Start your morning off with a nice glass of water to get you hydrated and ready for the day. Make this a habit and you, and your children, will see the benefits. If you or your children are extremely active, drink more water than usual as you can lose up to 2 quarts a day. So drink lots and drink often!
When running or exercising it's a good idea to drink 8-10oz every 15 minutes of exercise. And then another 10-12oz post workout. This will keep you hydrated throughout your workout and then replenish some of the fluid lost during the workout. If you are doing something strenuous like a 10k race, you may want to increase those numbers as you can easily lose 6-10lbs if the weather is hot and you sweat profusely.
H2O is the driving force to make your body run properly
Drinking plenty of water is essential for weight loss! Water helps you digest food and then turn that into energy. It also keeps the body temperature steady, mouth moistened with moisture from its natural salt content (sodium), maintains muscle tone in all cells including those which cushion vital organs such as joints or kidneys - so they don't become dehydrated through lack-of circulation; prevents dehydration by regulating bodily fluids levels, carries nutrients throughout our bodies ensuring everyone has enough oxygen available at each tissue level. Dehydration occurs when the body cannot produce enough sweat to keep itself cool. This can happen because perspiration is decreased or stopped completely by cold weather, which affects how much moisture enters your lungs and leaves through evaporative cooling effect- even if you don't feel thirsty! To avoid getting too dehydrated during winter months make sure drink at least 8 glasses (8 ounces per glass) daily in order maintain optimal health levels
Water is essential for human survival and optimal health. Drinking enough water can help you maintain a healthy weight, avoid dehydration symptoms like headaches or fatigue which may result in poor performance at work (or anywhere else), have better skin by preventing acne breakouts - all while staying hydrated!
The human body is a machine. A machine without its fluid cannot perform optimally so it’s important to stay on top these two tips: Drink 8 glasses per day AND take advantage during exercise periods where intake rates are higher than usual with 10-12 oz every 15 minutes until completion
Our Professional Promise
As an authorized, independent Kinetico dealer, we commit ourselves to higher standards. Our water professionals and service technicians keep your best interests in view.
Whether we're analyzing your water, helping to determine the best solution for your water problems, or explaining how Kinetico systems work, no one will bring more professionalism into your home or is more interested in your total satisfaction than us. We promise.
Stuff That Could Be in Your Water
Radon in Water
- Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers (Field, 2010).
- Radon is one of the leading environmental causes of cancer mortality in the US.
- Main pathway for radon into the body is by inhalation - leads to lung cancer.
- Ingestion of radon thru drinking water is a minor pathway but can lead to stomach cancer.
- Radon is responsible for 21,000 deaths per year, according to the EPA.
- Radon is a water contaminant that exists as a gas, so you have high exposure in a shower or similar "gas chamber."
Silica in Water
- Silica is one of the most frustrating water problems out of all the water contaminants.
- It is easily seen at the water line in toilet bowls – tough build-up that can only be removed with pumice stone or scraping.
- On polished chrome surfaces like tub fixtures.
- Obvious on black porcelain sinks and surfaces as hard white spots, "islands", or spidery networks.
- Silica domains on glass shower doors – "frosted look."
- Dull, white silica build-up on granite counters.
- Drinking water that has not been treated using reverse osmosis or De-ionizing resins still contains Silica and will destroy fridge dispensers with a permanent white "trickle."
PH (Acidic) Water
- pH refers to the "potential Hydrogen", and is on a 1 to 14 scale with 7 as the neutral point. As readings get lower than 7 the term "acidic"is appropriate, and readings above are "basic". Acidic water problems are common with Shallow wells and will dissolve metals, causing leaks, blue-green stains, and copper and lead poisoning in drinking water if not treated.
- Soda ash injection is effective at raising pH without raising hardness.
- Calcite ("Georgia Marble") is an all-natural treatment and can be used in non-electric passive or filtration units or electric systems. Iron levels dictate which is best for each situation.
- Ozone can be effective depending on the levels of CO2 but requires space and venting.
Manganese is an "aesthetic" water contaminant in Virginia but has significant neurological health risks, with other states (NC) failing drinking water tests with excessive Manganese levels. This water problem sometimes shows as black in the toilet tanks and ruins the laundry. A twin-tank water softener and a professional-grade filter are ideal for the treatment of this metal.
Hexafluorosilicic acid or Hydrofluorosilic acid is the substance used to treat 90% of the fluoridated drinking water supplies across the US. The current MCL is 4.00 PPM, which is over 250 times higher than Lead but considered more toxic. The apparent benefits of Fluoride treatment on teeth are prevalent during the adolescent period when growth is happening. Once we are adults, it is not needed anymore to harden the crystalline structure and is merely another water contaminant to be address
Hard Water
"Hard Water" refers to dissolved calcium in the water, causing extra soaps to be needed to counter this water problem, wasted energy on water-heating, destruction of appliances due to deposits, dirty laundry from lack of proper rinsing, dry skin from clogged oil pores, premature aging of clothes, and scale deposits on dishes, shower doors, walls, cars, tubs, sinks, and anything else water touches and dries. This water contaminant is best treated with a twin-tank water softener for 24/7 reassurance.
Learn About Drinking Water
Drinking water is a topic that gains more attention every day. The reality is that water is continuously recycled and is not getting better naturally, and few people drink "from the tap" anymore. "Springwater" has no regulation aside from the source water must somewhere have a spring, and "protected source" simply means there is a fence around it. Estimates state that over 25% of Spring Water is just tap water. The best way to remove the water contaminants is by reverse osmosis.
Learn About Iron
Iron can exist in typically two forms, Ferric and/or Ferrous, and makes drinking water taste metallic and turn orange if exposed to air. Suppose you run your raw water into a white bucket, and it is clear but turns yellow/orange eventually. In that case, you have Ferrous iron. This water contaminant can be removed with a twin-tank water softener or other methods using oxidation and then filtration to catch the Ferric Iron. If you can see "C" it, then you have Ferric. Iron is a very common water problem in central VA, and Kinetico has solutions designed to fix it.
Chlorine & Chloramines
Suppose municipal or Community sources service you. In that case, you will have Chlorine (and usually Ammonia) added to your water to keep your drinking water disinfected while it makes its journey to your house. Along the way, it encounters organic compounds, and the Chlorine reacts to form Trihalomethanes, which are carcinogens (and are a water problem regulated by the EPA). These water contaminants are gases and can be inhaled, absorbed, and ingested.
Frequently Asked Questions
Hard water is difficult to deal with because it requires more soap and synthetic detergents, which leads to scaling in boilers or industrial equipment. Hardness comes from calcium compounds plus magnesium & other metals such as iron. As water moves through soil and rock, it dissolves very small amounts of minerals. Calcium is one such mineral that often makes its way into our drinking supplies- accounting for around 25% or more on average! Magnesium also occurs naturally with calcium in rocks as well. The water from Richmond is considered "slightly hard" to moderate in terms of its mineral content.
Though a water softener may seem like an energy-sucking appliance, it actually uses less than what you might expect. A Kinetico non-electric unit is completely powered by the flow of water and your water pressure, not batteries or electricity! With a new water softener, you can reduce your family's monthly spending on soaps and detergents by up to 80%. You'll spend less time waiting for the wash cycle because it will regenerate when needed and for a family of four that is usually only a handful of times a month.
Investing in a water softener is worth the expense because it instantly improves your home's quality of life and saves you money across multiple areas. Softened waters keep fixtures running smoothly, reducing service calls to fix leaking pipes or broken appliances that can't withstand scale buildup from hard-water minerals. In fact, appliances on average last 30-50% longer when using a water softener as opposed to regular tap water. The presence of scale buildup results in a loss of heat, which makes it twice as hard to get your water hot and plumbed where needed. With soft waters you can save up 27% driven energy costs within just one year!Soft water is good for your pipes. If you think about it, the veins and arteries of our homes are basically made out of pipe (or more specifically: plumbing) and work like arteries transferring vital blood (or in this case water) to all necessary parts of the body (home). Soft water helps protect these vital parts because they contribute greatly to how well appliances work in this system- if there were any problems with them then everything could come apart quickly! Natural hardness (aka minerals) builds over time; over time these deposits cut off access flow resulting in low pressure or even NO WATER pressure at all. If damaged badly enough you may need to replace the plumbing throughout your home which could very well cost thousands of dollars. It also can destroy your appliances which will lead to costly repairs and replacements down the line. A water softener can help avoid these problems completely or delay them for a long duration of time.
With only minimal uptick in energy use and the ability to save thousands of dollars over its lifespan, having a water softener at home is an ideal solution. You’ll see savings across your entire house once you purchase one; it usually pays for itself within just 1 year!
Hard water is softened by removing the hardness minerals in it through a process called ion exchange. When hard-water enters a resin bed that's been setup for this purpose, sodium ions are exchanged with calcium and magnesium leaving behind much more palatable soft water throughout your home! When the resin bed is filled with hardness ions, regeneration or cleaning must occur. Salt is typically used in these processes to clean the resin bed by “washing off” the accumulation of hardness and any dissolved iron and manganese, and replaces the Sodium bond so the process can be repeated.
If you want to have clean, fresh water for cleaning and rinsing in your home then it's important that the softener system matches up with what kind of user this will be. A Kinetico professional specializes in helping customers find their perfect match so they can enjoy all these benefits too! Call us today and we can match you with the perfect Kinetico system for your home. There seriously is a Kinetico system for everyone! Try our Whole Home Systems which combine Kinetico water softener or conditioner with a Kinetico drinking water system to ensure that you have great water throughout your entire home, everywhere and anytime!
Having a water purification system installed in your Highland Springs, Virginia, home or business has many benefits. First and foremost, it ensures that the water you drink, cook with, and use for other purposes is clean and safe. This can help reduce your risk of exposure to harmful contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, lead, and other chemicals. In addition, a water purification system can improve the taste and smell of your water, making it more pleasant to drink and use. It can also reduce the amount of sediment and other particles in your water, which can help prevent damage to appliances and plumbing fixtures. Finally, investing in a water purification system can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for bottled water and costly repairs caused by water damage. Overall, having a water purification system installed in your Highland Springs, Virginia, home or business is a smart investment that can provide numerous benefits for you and your family or customers.
If you experience a water outage, first check if it's a localized issue by seeing if other faucets in your home are also without water. Next, speak with neighbors to determine if it's a neighborhood-wide issue. If it is, contact your local water company in Richmond, VA, to report the outage and get information on the estimated time for restoration. In the meantime, refrain from using electrical appliances that require water, like dishwashers or washing machines, and have bottled water on hand for essential needs.
To safeguard your drinking water from potential contamination, consider the following measures: install a water filter or purification system suitable for removing known contaminants in your area. Always store drinking water in clean, sealed containers. Keep hazardous chemicals, such as pesticides and cleaning agents, away from water sources and ensure they're disposed of properly. Routinely clean and disinfect sinks, faucets, and aerators to prevent bacterial growth. Finally, stay informed about any water quality reports or advisories issued by your local water company and take recommended actions as necessary.
Using water filtration systems in Richmond, VA, offers numerous benefits for residential and commercial properties. One of the most significant advantages is the improvement in water quality. These filtration systems effectively remove contaminants like sediment, chlorine, lead, bacteria, and other harmful substances, resulting in cleaner, safer, and healthier water for everyday use. Additionally, filtered water tastes better and is devoid of unpleasant odors, making it more enjoyable for drinking and cooking. By opting for water filtration, individuals can lead a healthier lifestyle with reduced exposure to potentially harmful substances. Moreover, it serves as a protective barrier against pollutants commonly found in Richmond, VA,'s water sources. Environmentally conscious water filtration systems help reduce plastic waste by diminishing the need for bottled water. They are also cost-effective in the long run compared to continually purchasing bottled water. The easy installation and convenience of these systems ensure a continuous supply of clean water, tailored to various needs and budgets, be it for the whole house or specific points of use. In conclusion, water filtration systems in Richmond, VA, are a smart, health-conscious, and environmentally friendly solution, guaranteeing safe, great-tasting water while promoting sustainability and cost savings.
Water filtration systems can effectively address hard water issues in Richmond, VA, by incorporating water softeners. Hard water contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can cause various problems in daily life. Water softeners use ion exchange to remove these excess minerals, replacing them with sodium ions to produce softened water. This softened water prevents scale buildup in pipes and appliances, prolonging their lifespan and reducing maintenance costs. Moreover, softened water improves the efficiency of cleaning agents, resulting in cleaner laundry, smoother skin, and shinier surfaces. By choosing water filtration systems with integrated water softeners, residents in Richmond, VA, can enjoy the benefits of softer water, leading to more efficient household operations and cost savings in the long run.
Water filters can effectively remove chlorine and chloramines from Richmond's tap water. Chlorine and chloramines are commonly used disinfectants to kill bacteria and pathogens in municipal water treatment. While they are critical in ensuring safe drinking water, they can impart an unpleasant taste and odor to tap water. Water filters, particularly activated carbon filters, are designed to address this issue. Activated carbon can adsorb and effectively reduce the levels of chlorine and chloramines in your tap water, resulting in an improved taste and odor. When choosing a water filter for this purpose, ensure it is certified to remove these compounds and follow the manufacturer's recommendations for filter replacement to maintain its effectiveness in Richmond, VA.
Reverse osmosis (RO) systems are effective at removing hard water minerals, including calcium and magnesium ions, from your water supply. These minerals are responsible for water hardness, which can cause scale buildup in pipes and appliances. While RO systems are excellent at demineralizing water, it's important to note that the removal of these minerals may impact the taste of the water. Some people prefer the taste of demineralized water, finding it purer and more neutral, while others may find it lacks the subtle mineral flavor that hard water can impart. To address this, some RO systems come with remineralization filters that reintroduce beneficial minerals to the water after the purification process, balancing taste while retaining the benefits of demineralization.
The frequency of filter and membrane replacement in your reverse osmosis (RO) system depends on several factors, including water quality, usage, and the specific manufacturer's recommendations. Generally, sediment and pre-filters should be replaced every 6–12 months, while carbon filters may last 6–12 months as well, depending on water conditions. RO membranes, which are the heart of the system, typically have a longer lifespan, often ranging from 2 to 5 years. However, it's essential to monitor your system's performance and follow the manufacturer's guidelines. Some RO systems come with built-in indicators or sensors that signal when it's time for replacement. Regular maintenance ensures that your RO system continues to produce high-quality, purified water.
Homes in Richmond, VA, can benefit from various types of water filters to improve the quality and taste of their drinking water. Common options include pitcher filters, faucet-mounted filters, countertop filters, under-sink filters, and whole-house filtration systems. Each type of filter offers different levels of filtration and convenience, allowing homeowners to choose the option that best meets their needs and preferences.
We offer a wide variety of services including: Water Testing, Filtration, Ultraviolet and Ozone systems, Water Softeners, Acid Neutralizer, Drinking Water Services, and Reverse Osmosis. We specialize in both Residential and Commercial Services and proudly maintain and service a wide range of restaurants in the Central and Southern Virginia area. We also offer Duct cleaning services which can alleviate many of the germs and the bacteria that can congregate in the ducts within your home which can lead to improved health and much fewer allergy symptoms.
We are open Monday through Friday 9:30 am to 5:30pm and closed on the weekend and all major holidays.
The first step is admitting you have a problem. Next step is reaching out to us! You can call, text, email, fill out a form, or use our virtual chat feature. You can even reach out to us via social media! We will schedule a consultation including a free water test and find a solution that fits your needs.
Water purification companies specialize in treating and purifying water to make it safe for human consumption. In Highland Springs, Virginia, a water purification company can help ensure that your home or business has access to clean, safe, and healthy drinking water. Highland Springs, like many areas, can have contaminants present in the water supply, such as bacteria, viruses, minerals, and chemicals. A water purification company can provide solutions to address these issues, ensuring that you and your family or customers have access to high-quality, purified water. By working with a water purification company, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are consuming safe and healthy water.
The cost of a water purification system in Highland Springs, Virginia, can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the type of system you choose, the size of your home or business, and any special features or requirements you may have. Generally, a basic point-of-use system can cost several hundred dollars, while a more advanced whole-house system can cost several thousand dollars. While the initial cost of a water purification system may seem high, it's important to consider the long-term savings it can provide. By reducing the need for bottled water and preventing damage to appliances and plumbing fixtures, a water purification system can help you save money over time. Additionally, having clean, safe water can provide numerous health benefits and improve your quality of life. When choosing a water purification system in Highland Springs, Virginia, it's important to consider your specific needs and budget and to work with a reputable company that can help you select the right system for your home or business.
It depends on the type of filter you are using and the quality of your water. Generally, most filters need to be replaced every 6 months to 1 year. However, if you notice a decrease in water pressure, a change in the taste or odor of your water, or if your filter has been in use for longer than the recommended time, it's best to replace it as soon as possible. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for your specific filter and consult with a professional if you have any questions or concerns.
There are several benefits to using a water filter in Richmond, VA. A water filter can improve the taste and odor of your tap water by removing chlorine and other chemicals. It can also remove impurities and contaminants such as lead, pesticides, and bacteria, which can help protect your health. Additionally, using a water filter can help reduce the amount of plastic waste generated from bottled water, making it an environmentally friendly choice. Overall, investing in a quality water filter system can provide you and your family with safe, clean, and great-tasting water.
Yes, using a water filter in Richmond, VA, can have several health benefits. By removing impurities and contaminants such as lead, pesticides, and bacteria, a water filter can help protect you and your family from potential health hazards associated with these substances. Additionally, some studies have shown that drinking clean, filtered water can help boost the immune system and improve overall health. It's important to choose a high-quality water filter system that is certified by a reputable organization, such as NSF International, to ensure that it effectively removes contaminants from your water.
Maintaining and cleaning your water filter system in Richmond, VA, is essential to ensuring it continues to deliver clean and safe drinking water. The specific maintenance requirements may vary depending on the type of water filter system you have, but here are some general guidelines to follow.
Regularly check and replace the filter cartridges as recommended by the manufacturer or your water filter service provider. This is typically every six months to a year, but it can vary. Keep an eye on any indicator lights or gauges that may signal when it's time to replace the filters.
Additionally, clean the exterior of the water filter system to remove dust and debris that can accumulate over time. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the housing and control panel, if applicable.
If your water filter system includes a pre-filter or sediment filter, you may need to clean or replace it more frequently, especially if you notice a reduction in water flow.
Finally, consider scheduling annual professional maintenance or inspection by a certified technician to ensure your water filter system is functioning correctly and efficiently.
By following these maintenance steps, you can help ensure that your water filter system continues to provide you with clean and safe drinking water in Richmond, VA, and extend the lifespan of the system.
Yes, duct cleaning can play a role in improving indoor air quality (IAQ) and potentially alleviating allergies and respiratory issues. Over time, dust, allergens, pet dander, mold, and other contaminants can accumulate in your HVAC system's ductwork. When the system operates, these particles can be circulated throughout your home, leading to poor IAQ and triggering allergy symptoms or exacerbating respiratory problems. Professional duct cleaning can remove these accumulated contaminants, reducing the likelihood of them being dispersed into your indoor air. While it may not be the sole solution for severe allergies or respiratory conditions, it can be a valuable component of an overall strategy to create a healthier indoor environment. Coupled with other measures like regular HVAC maintenance and using air purifiers, duct cleaning can contribute to improved IAQ and potentially provide relief for those with sensitivities.
When purchasing a reverse osmosis (RO) system for your home, there are several factors to consider. First, assess your water quality and specific purification needs to determine the level of filtration required. Look for a reputable brand and model that suits your household size and usage. Consider the system's flow rate, as higher flow rates are more suitable for larger households. Check for certifications, such as NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) certification, to ensure the system meets industry standards for water quality. Additionally, evaluate the ease of installation, maintenance requirements, and replacement costs. Some RO systems come with features like remineralization filters or additional stages for specific contaminant removal. Finally, compare prices and warranties to find a system that offers good value for your budget.
Installing water softeners in Richmond can help alleviate issues caused by hard water, such as scale buildup in pipes and appliances, soap scum on surfaces, and dry, itchy skin and hair. Softened water can also extend the lifespan of plumbing fixtures and appliances, improve the effectiveness of soaps and detergents, and result in cleaner dishes and laundry.
If you notice a change in your water's taste, color, or odor, it’s important to act promptly to ensure your water is safe to use. Start by running your tap for a few minutes to see if the issue clears up, as it might be caused by temporary sediment or air in the pipes. If the problem persists, avoid using the water for drinking or cooking until you’ve determined the cause. Contact your local water company to report the issue and provide details about the changes you’ve observed. They can conduct a water quality test or guide you on the next steps to address the problem. Sometimes, such changes may be related to nearby maintenance work, pipe corrosion, or naturally occurring minerals, all of which require professional evaluation.